Hoffmann fanmade coffee calculator

Quickly calculate brew rations for delicious coffee based on James Hoffmann's recipes

This is just a small recreation of the Hoffmann coffee Calculator from Alessandro Mingione. In this version you can set any liquid size and I fixed an error with the amount of water used in the iced coffee calculation. Feel free to contribute and fix errors on github.

Ultimate French Press

ml g 500 ml


0:00 Combine coffee and water, let it sit for 4 minutes.
4:00 Grab two spoons, stir the crust on the top, stuff will begin to fall down, scoop away everything that's left floating on top. Do nothing for 5+ minutes (recommended activities: read the newspaper, make breakfast, start a rebellion).
12:00ish Put the plunger right upto the surface of the coffee, pour coffee in the cup.

A Better 1 Cup V60

ml g 250 ml 50 ml


Before: rinse paper filter with hot water.
0:00 Pour 50g of water to bloom
0:10 Gently Swirl
0:15 Let bloom for 30 seconds
0:45 Pour up to 100g total
1:00 Pause for 10 seconds
1:10 Pour up to 150g total
1:20 Pause for 10 seconds
1:30 Pour up to 200g total
1:40 Pause for 10 seconds
1:50 Pour up to 250g total
2:00 Gently swirl
2:05 Let the coffee drain

Ultimate V60 (and Chemex)

ml g 500 ml 60 ml


Before: Rinse paper filter with hot water.
0:00 Bloom with 60 ml, wait 45s.
0:45 Pour 240 ml in 30s. Total: 300 g
1:15 Pour 200 ml in 30s. Total: 500 g
1:45 Stir 1x clockwise and 1x counterclockwise, swirl, and let it draw down.

The Ultimate AeroPress Technique

ml g 200 ml


Before: Put the filter into the cap. Don't rinse or preheat the brewer (it doesn't make any difference)
0:00 Put coffee into the brewer and then add water, aiming to wet all the coffee during pouring
0:01 Place the piston piece into the top of the brewer, about 1cm in
2:00 Holding the brewer and the piston, gently swirl the brewer remove brewer from scale
2:30 Press gently all the way

The Ultimate Clever Dripper Technique

ml g 250 ml


Before: Fold the filter so it'll fit better in the brewer. Put it in the brewer and rinse the filter with hot water.
0:00 Fill the brewer with 250 ml of hot water then add the coffee grounds. Give it a little stir to combine.
2:00 Stir the top to break the crust
2:30 Let the coffee drain

Iced filter coffee

200 g 300 ml 65 ml


Before: Prepare decanter with 200 g of ice, rinse paper filter under sink.
0:00 Bloom with 65 ml, wait 45s.
0:45 Pour 115 ml in 30s. Total: 180 g
1:15 Pour 120 ml in 30s. Total: 300 g
1:45 Stir 1x clockwise and 1x counterclockwise, swirl, and let it draw down.
After: Swirl brew in decanter to melt all the ice. Pour onto fresh ice cubes in glass.